Friday, September 30, 2011

Glass Bottle Sculpture

With the summer finally over and the cooler weather rapidly upon us, I find the outside of my house losing some of its curb appeal due to the flowers dying off and the leaves on the trees beginning to fall. My wife and I were away on our honeymoon to come back to our house that seemed so dull and lacked the color that was previously there due to bare flower pots lining the front of our entry way. As we looked at different products or ideas to increase the curb appeal and bring back the color, we came across a simple and rather cheap DIY project. Not only could this project be done in a short time frame but we already had half of the materials which would cut the cost even more. Rather than storing the flower pots away in the garage, we kept the leaves and soil in them and began to collect glass bottles for our new plant sculptures!
Materials Needed for Project:
·       Colorful Glass Bottles
·       Bamboo Stakes
1.    Collect colorful bottles and peel off the labels. If there is residue on the bottles from the labels, use Goo Gone to remove any remaining sticky adhesive. Thoroughly wash the outside and inside of the bottles with warm soap and water.
2.    Place the bamboo stakes in the flower pots or beds however you want them configured to appeal to your liking. (Remember to put the stakes far enough in the ground to hold up the glass bottles.)
3.    Carefully, place the glass bottles upside down on the bamboo stakes.

Within no time you have transformed your dull and empty flower pots into a new work of art. The color will help boost the curb appeal and make your home stand out from the rest as they lose the flowers that once lined the front of their home. Have fun with this and try different color bottles or use all the same color; the options with this project are endless!


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