Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Women DIY Website

As my fiancé and I both work full time jobs we find little time for DIY projects outside of the weekend. With the little spare time that we have for home improvement projects, we found that to accomplish everything we want done around the house, we need to both be working on different projects throughout the weekend. I can’t say that I am a DIY guru but when we first began to split up on different tasks, I was either continuously checking up on her or she was glued to my hip asking me questions. As she ventured out and began to read different blogs and research more projects geared towards her liking, she stumbled upon a great website focused on women in DIY. HIP Chicks is a site that posts various pointers and projects that hone in on skills that incorporate the female touch.  The founder of the organization, Beth Allen, has various workshops on on electrical, plumbing, painting, tile, woodworking, weatherizing, and more. Along with the workshops Beth also does consultations on projects and ideas for your next DIY task.
It is sites like these that don’t only pose as new ideas for projects around the house but it helps build confidence for my fiancé and keeps her motivated to try new things and go outside of her comfort zone. As a result, she is coming up with great new ideas for our home,  finding more enjoyment in doing DIY projects, and even asking me less about what to use or if she is doing her project correctly. Take a minute to check out the website and explore the projects and helpful information;


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